Wardrobe Refresh


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Every time it’s time to swap out the seasonal clothes, I take the opportunity to cleanse and refresh my clothes.  Not just reorganize my closet and dresser (although, it desperately needs it!), but take stock of what I don’t wear anymore, what doesn’t fit, and what I’m just not loving.  I am actually pretty good at that.  And it’s that time of year.

I’ve been seeking inspiration on Pinterest, and pinning some ideas here on a board.  Some organization ideas, as well as style.  PLUS I’m drooling over one day having a custom closet.

It’s a big project coming up, and may have our room look like a disaster zone while in progress.  When I’m getting ready to cleanse my closet, I do the following:

1. Edit – go through my existing clothes and decide to either Keep, Toss or Donate.  And I’m ruthless!

2. Reorganize – put the “Keeps” back neatly and smartly, and figure out what I need to tackle those remaining piles.

3. Find new outfits – sort through the final wardrobe and figure out what outfits I have, and what pieces I need to fill in the gaps.

Nothing novel there.  It’s pretty much the same process everyone tells you to do.

This time, however, I find myself getting ready to do a closet cleanse and refresh, and debating what to do with my “previous life” clothes.  The suits, structured dresses, dry clean only tops… as a Stay at Home Mom, keeping them just doesn’t make sense!  I still love to get dressed up, and don’t plan on getting rid of ALL my nice clothes, but do I really need 5 suits?

But, I’m having a hard time letting go.

And I’m normally not like that.

Are you like me?  Either getting ready to or desperately need to do a closet reorg?  Or, have you already done it? (Lucky you!!!)

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be wading through each step.  And I’ll share what I’m doing.  I don’t claim to be a genius professional organizer, or an awesome stylist.  Just someone who hates clutter and piles.  And I love to get rid of things.

Except those 5 suits… I may just keep those.

2 thoughts on “Wardrobe Refresh

  1. I also do the spring and fall purge of clothes! It feels really good to GET RID of the excess or not needed clothes items. You should keep the suits until you are ready to pass them on. It sounds like you are not ready yet… 🙂


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