What I Actually Used in my Delivery Hospital Bag!

Currently drinking Trader Joe’s Irish Breakfast, full strength!  Even had a mini biscotti!

Last week, I became an Aunt!  My SIL had a baby girl, and it’s just so exciting to have a newborn in the family.  Not to mention someone for our little bean to play with as she gets older.

This reminded me of the excitement of preparing to give birth, packing the bags, and just anxiously awaiting the first “is that a contraction?”.  This prompted me to look at the checklist I had made for myself when I was prepping to go to the hospital.

And it made me LAUGH!!!!
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What’s on the Menu? Menu Monday!

What I’m drinking – Decaf Irish Breakfast Tea, black, from Trader Joe’s

Happy Monday!

Today is such an icky day here in NC.  I actually delayed my usual Monday grocery shopping until tomorrow.  I just don’t want to slug through the rain with a baby.

We had a so so weekend.  Friday night we celebrated a friend’s 30th birthday, but that meant a late night for us (to be clear, “late night” for us means getting home after 9:00…).  Saturday was pretty low key for myself and the Bean, but my husband worked all day.  Saturday night we caught up on another episode of Game of Thrones.  We’re watching season 3 right now.  And then on Sunday we had yet another birthday party.  This time a 3 year old! I have a feeling we’ll be attending a lot of kids birthday parties in the future!  We ended Sunday night with our favorite – Top Gear!
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Ca-Ching! Money Challenge

I am decent with money… Well, correction.  I’m decent with spending money.  I’m not crazy spending, just a little here, a little there.  But that little bit adds up!

My husband said something to me over the weekend that turned on a little light bulb.  Or kicked me in the butt.  One of the two.  We were discussing how I was looking forward to the Memorial Tournament in Columbus, OH, this summer (I grew up in Columbus, and every summer was spent at the golf tourny!).  I was planning on driving up with the little child, stay in a hotel with my parents, and show off our precious daughter to friends I’ve known forever!  Fun!
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Menu Monday!


What I’m drinking – Irish Breakfast Tea, black, from Trader Joe’s

Happy Monday!  North Carolina has, at least for now, welcomed Spring!  We had a huge ice storm Thursday/Friday, but then was in the high 60s over the weekend.  It’s supposed to be 7o today.  Crazy.

We had a great weekend.  Spent Saturday just relaxing, enjoying the weather.  We took two neighborhood strolls, and Elizabeth was in her stroller for both!  She normally does the car seat clicked into the stroller thing, but she’s enjoying being in just the stroller.  I miss seeing her and talking with her though!
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Being a Guinea Pig Wife

What I’m drinking – some sort of Starbucks Blonde Roast coffee, with milk… I forgot which type I bought!

My husband and I have known each other since college, freshman year, 2002. We got married the summer of 2007, right between his first and second year of medical school…

My husband has been a full fledged MD since 2010.  Being a doctor’s wife, particularly in those early medical school years, means being a guinea pig. Aspiring young medical student needs to practice palpating kidneys? Helpful wife here to be a faux patient! Big exam coming up on how to conduct a lengthy, thorough physical exam? Katie, would you mind saying “aaahhhh” during commercials?

It always makes me giggle. AND I feel like I’m armed with behind-the-scenes secrets when I legitimately am a patient!

Until this last week…..
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