Packing for Grandma’s House – Baby Essentials – Driving Edition

Travel Essentials

1. Cosco Umbria Stroller  2. VTech Safe & Sound Digital Audio Monitor  3. Graco Pack ‘n Play  4. Fisher Price Booster Seat  5. Fisher-Price Comfy Time Bouncer  6. Goodnight Moon & Time for Bed  7. Skip Hop Studio bag  8. Medela Storage Containers  9. Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Wide Neck Bottle  10. HALO Sleepsack Wearable Blanket

We recently headed up to my in-laws home to visit our new niece!  She is precious, and our little girl already has a cousin! Lucky girl.  I didn’t have any cousins growing up, so she’s ahead of me already.

Going out of town is so challenging with a baby.  Our car fills up fast!  But, we’ve traveled up to the Grandparents’ house several times now, and we’ve got the essentials down to a science.
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