30 Outfits 30 Days Challenge | Day 19-24 Recap


View the other 30 Outfits 30 Days Challenge Posts | Introduction | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 5

It’s hard to believe another 6 days are done for the 30 Outfits in 30 Days Challenge! Just one more set left.  If you’re not sure what’s up, you can read more here.  But, long story short: I chose 30 items from my closet, and challenged myself to make 30 unique outfits for the next 30 days!

FYI – for those that didn’t catch it on Instagram this week, my previous pink sandals (which I bought to replace the original, rough looking pink sandals) broke!  So I had to go to Target to try to return/exchange them.  Unfortunately, they only had one white pair in the store, so I decided that, instead of driving all over town looking for the exact PINK ones, I’d just get the white ones.  Sigh….  Looks like they’re almost sold out online too… oh well.

I had 3 “New to Me” outfits this week – Day 2, 3 and 6.  I’ve never worn those combos before, and I’m pleased with how it turned out!  That’s what this challenge is for – getting out of the same ol’ outfit ruts and trying some new ideas.

Here are my thoughts from this week’s outfits.

Most Worn Item | My striped wedges from Target!  4 of the 6 outfits have them.  They are so comfortable.

Favorite Outfit | This is a toughy… I really like Day 2, 3 & 5.  But my MOST favorite is Day 2.  I loved the pink/pink combo.

Least Favorite Outfit | Like last week, I liked them all.  But Day 4 was kind of boring.  But it was practical!!  I was doing housework all day.  No need for wedges and a statement necklace 🙂

This Week’s Surprise |  I learned that I only like shirts tucked in when I have something to wear over it – i.e. a sweater or jacket. I just feel better when I can throw on a jacket.

Hardest Thing About This Week | There are a few pieces that I haven’t used much these last few weeks, and I need to make sure I use them!!  I meant to do it this week, but the outfit ideas slip out of my brain before I have a chance to execute them.

Below are each day’s outfits, along with links for each item OR a similar item.  And we had one appearance from Mr. Power Outlet 🙂


Outfits: From L to R, Top Row

1. Dress (Old); Necklace (Similar); Wedges
2. Top; Sweater (Similar); SkirtWedges
3. Shirt (Similar); SkirtWedges
4. Shirt (Similar); ShortsSandals
5. Shirt (Similar); JeansWedges; Necklace (Similar)
6. PoloShorts; Necklace (Similar); Sandals

Stay tuned next Thursday for the final 6 outfits!!!  Crazy!

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Style Elixir

pleated poppyFriday Frills

9 thoughts on “30 Outfits 30 Days Challenge | Day 19-24 Recap

  1. You loo cute in all those outfits! I love your challenge. It might just be the thing I need to clean out my closet! I have some very old items in there, and I seem to just stick to the same things over and over again!


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