Hey Hey! It’s Friday!

Hello hello! Hope you all had a glorious week!


1. Man… can these weeks please slow down? I seriously need to pull an all-nighter just to catch up.  And it seems like it’s been that way for weeks! Mercy.

2. Elizabeth’s 1 year birthday is next week! I haven’t done A THING to plan for it, except discuss plans with my mom. Haven’t even ordered a cake yet. But, yesterday, I tried to take her final 1 year monthly picture. I put her in her little birthday outfit she’ll wear for the party. And this was basically how it all went. No sitting and smiling.

Elizabeth 12 Month Blooper Photo in Cup of Tea

3. It was a crazy week with nothing done, but at least it was a good blog week! I got up my Fall Haul video and launched the 30 Outfits in 30 Days Challenge! I picked 30 items in my wardrobe and am committing to wearing only those items for the next 30 days. So excited! I’ll be posting daily OOTD pics on Instagram and Twitter starting today!

4. I also put up a vlog in anticipation of the challenge! It’s a behind the scenes look at me picking the items, purging out my closet, and wrangling Elizabeth. It was so fun to do!

5. Can we just talk about Fall again?? Even though I had a mountain of apples to eat here at home, I still bought 3 Honeycrisp apples. And they were delicious! Favorite apple of all time! Which, of course, means I have to go to Costco and see if they have their massive flats of Honeycrisps.

Honeycrisp and Tea on Cup of Tea Blog

Let me know what you’ve been up to in the comments below!  Have a great weekend!

Don’t forget to follow me: Instagram | YouTube | TwitterFacebook | Google+ | BlogLovin’ | Pinterest

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27 thoughts on “Hey Hey! It’s Friday!

  1. Good grief, we cannot get any photos around here lately either – I’m kind of dreading to attempt the 12-month shoot because I know how frustrated I’m going to get! Bad mommy. Love her little outfit though!


  2. Your little one is getting so BIG! She is adorable in her tutu! And I totally get the time flying… It really is going fast and before we know it, our little ones will be all grown up! I’m excited for your new 30 Day Fall Challenge! 🙂


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